Thursday, 16 December 2021





Astrological interpretations of the sayings of Parama Premayo Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra Part 1

Ref : - Bengali works of the author: Jeevan Kandaree Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra.  

1. Saying: - "All the sorrows that mankind have to suffer from on the earth are originated from the attachment to  opposite sex and money; the far away one remains from these two, the better life one enjoys."

Interpretation: - In Astrology, the second house in a natal chart signifies finance and wealth while the seventh house the enjoyment of opposite sex. In the Zodiac, the corresponding signs are Taurus and Libra. The lords of both the signs is Venus who, in Hindu Astrology is designated as the Master of the demons i.e. the preacher of material enjoyments and as such designated to be belonging to the destructive group of planet in guise of external pleasures. The two houses are termed as "Maraka" of which the second house is the primary maraka and the seventh house the secondary maraka. Sorrows in life are judged mostly from the eighth house and in addition the sixth and the twelfth houses, too. The seventh house from the second house which signifies detriment of the second house is the eighth house which is also the second house from the seventh house. These signify that loss of wealth and accumulated enjoyments of sexual happiness bring in sorrows. Furthermore, the apparent happiness derived from sexual pleasures awarded by Venus lead to loss of body energy which brings in sorrows and ultimately death. Therefore, it is clear the roots of all sorrows in human life are derived from the attachment towards wealth and sex pleasures which has been expressed in this saying of Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra in conformity with the astrological principles.

2. Saying: - "Women not viewed with lust become mothers poison is converted into nectar and a mother is the Mother and nothing else."

Interpretation: - In a natal chart, sexual urge is judged from the seventh house which in the zodiac is the sign Libra - the active field of Venus - cardinal airy sign of Tamasik nature which means that the sexual urge based on Tama Guna leads living beings to different destinies. The highest expression of any house in a natal chart is manifested in the tenth house counted from the starting house. With respect to the sign Libra, it is the sign Cancer which is the cardinal watery sign of Tamasik nature ruled by Moon. Venus signifies women to be treated for fulfillment of physical lust whereas Moon signifies motherhood, affection, sympathy, domestic happiness etc. Therefore, it is evident that femalehood finds her best manifestation through motherhood which is expressed in the form of pure love, affection etc. as seen through the kind appearance of the deity Laxmi Devi. Therefore, this saying of Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra is in quite in conformity with the astrological principles.            

3. Saying: - "Discussion on Cosmogony, Mathematics, Chemistry etc. control the sex urge."

Interpretation: - In Astrology, planets signifying sex urge and lust are Mars and Venus. Mars is male and fiery planet while Venus is female and earthy one. The main constituent of creation is energy or fire which is signified by the male planet Mars whereas the receiving factor of the male energy by the egg cell of female is signified by Venus. This indicates that in the matter of creation of living beings, Mars and Venus have simultaneous functions. In Astrology, Mars also signifies efficiency in Mathematics whereas Venus signifies the power of revival of the dead or conversion of one substance into another which is the domain of Chemistry. Further, Mars also signifies Technical signs. In human life, the Zodiac and the related planets and constellations contribute their activities in the physical, mental, spiritual level as well as at different arenas of surroundings. To neutralize the excessiveness of one level, the same at other levels is required. Therefore, the sex urge inherent in the functions of Mars and Venus can be neutralized in a constructive fashion by the discussions on the subjects like Doctrine of Creation, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology etc. Therefore, this saying of Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra also supports the principles of Astrology.  


Astrological interpretations of the sayings of Parama Premayo Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra Part 3

Ref : - Bengali works of the author: Jeevan Kandaree Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra.  

7. Saying: - "Religion is the base on which everything rests and He is the Supreme Lord." (Satyanusarana, Page 15)

Interpretation: - Astrologically, the origin of any Bhava is the ninth Bhava and its consequence is the fifth Bhava counted from this. In the Zodiac, the first sign is Aries - cardinal, fiery sign of Tamas nature, the active field of the ruler Mars wherein starts the life-cycle. It is the sign of exaltation for the Sun i.e. the origin of creation of our solar system and also the sign of debilation for Saturn, the significator for destruction and death. With respect to Aries, the ninth sign is Sagittarius, the dual, fiery sign of Sattwik nature, the active field and the sign of Mool Trikona for the ruler Jupiter. The ninth house signifies religion, conscience, sacrifice, Master etc. Jupiter is described as the Master of the deities in Hindu Puranas and in our earthly life, He is the significator of Sadguru. Further, in hindu religion, the Supreme Lord is described to come descended on the earth in different forms as the saviour of His creation and is worshipped as "Avatara". Therefore, in Astrology, Religion and Guru are identical and since, in this earthly life Guru is the representative of the Supreme Lord. Therefore the inevitable conclusion to be arrived at herefrom is that Religion is the origin of the creation and is symbolized by the material form of religion as Sadguru i.e. the living symbol of the Supreme Soul. Therefore, this saying of Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra is quite in conformity with the astrological principles.           

8. Saying: - "Go on working without any prejudice for fate. Don't remain idle since your fate will be built and will appear to you according to your deeds. Right and good deeds never bring any bad results.This will appear today or tomorrow."     

Interpretation: - According to Astrology, fate is judged from the ninth house and its lord of the natal chart whereas activities are judged from the tenth house and its lord and the results thereof are judged from the eleventh house. Again, the eleventh house counted from any bhava or house signifies the success of that bhava. In the Zodiac, ninth sign is sagittarius - dual, fiery sign of sattwik nature and the active field of Jupiter. The tenth sign is Capricorn - cardinal, earthy sign of tamas nature and the passive field of the lord Saturn. Saturn is the significator of sorrows, bondage on the one hand and activities of servicing nature as symbolised by an indifferent harmit without any attachment towards results on the other. In a word, Saturn is the symbol of "Karma sannyas yoga" as said by the lord Shree Krishna in the Shreemodbhagabadgeeta. The results derived from such activities are signified by the eleventh sign Aquarius which is the indicator of spiritual consciousness and the highest manifestation of intellect. The eleventh sign counted from Aquarius is Sagittarius which means that fortune is earned through the spiritual consciousness signified by the impersonal and unattached activities and since both Saturn and Jupiter are slow moving planets in the Zodiac, the results earned through their contribution are also materialised late in life and not instantly like those contributed by Mars or Mercury. Therefore, it is revealed that instead of the bondage contributed by Saturn the fortune earned through unattached and impersonal activities takes shape late in life and even in subsequent incarnations. Therefore, this saying of Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra is quite in conformity with the astrological principles.       

9. Saying: - "A student or disciple who carries out the instructions of the Master or Guru with devoted pleasures never fails in life."

Interpretation: - In a natal chart, the ninth house signifies Master or Guru, the tenth house signifies activities, the eleventh house signifies success, income etc., the second house signifies accumulated wealth, speech etc. Therefore, the second house counted from the ninth house i.e. the tenth house of the natal chart also signifies sayings or instructions of the Guru. Similarly, eleventh house being the second house of the tenth house signifies accumulated results of the activities. Again, fourth house counted from any bhava signifies happiness derived from that bhava and the fifth house signifies the consequence of that bhava. Therefore, the second house of the natal chart being the fifth house of the tenth house and the fourth house of the eleventh house signifies accumulated wealth that can be used for material enjoyments and happiness in life. In the Zodiac, the corresponding signs are Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Taurus. It therefore appears from the significance of the Zodiac that the instructions of the Guru are the source of activities of a native and the first sign viz. Aries signifying the head of the "Kalpurusha" having the lord Mars being exalted in Capricorn. The inherent significance of this is activities of the native resulting from the instructions of the Guru find best expression which ultimately leads to the success in life resulting in fulfillment of all material desires of life. Again, the eleventh house counted from the second house is the twelfth house in the natal chart which in the Zodiac is the sign Pisces signifying expenses, salvation etc. In Pisces, Venus, the lord of the signs Taurus and Libra is exalted. As the lord of Libra Venus signifies surroundings or environment and itself is the significator of material enjoyments. This means that the accumulated wealth resulting from the activities and deeds finds best utilization through expenses for the sake of environment which ultimately makes the native free from the bondage of all complexes and leads to salvation. Thus, this saying of Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra is quite in conformity with the astrological principles. 


Astrological interpretations of the sayings of Parama Premayo Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra Part 2

Ref : - Bengali works of the author: Jeevan Kandaree Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra.  

4. Saying: - "Contraction leads to sorrows whereas expansion to happiness. Whatever brings complexes like weakness, fear etc. in heart results in lack of happiness and pleasures and i.e. sorrow." (Satyanusarana, Page 11)

Interpretation: - According to astrological principles, Saturn in the planetary kingdom of our Zodiac is the significator of sorrows while Jupiter which enlightens human being with wisdom and the knowledge of immortality brings real happiness. Saturn also causes varieties of sorrows, separation, physical and mental disruption, errors, mistakes, illusions which originate from excessive "Tamaguna". Further, in the physical level, Saturn signifies all sorts of contractions. On the other hand, Jupiter is the originator of expansiveness in physical, mental and spiritual levels which lead mankind cross over the barriers of personal, domestic, society and country and help unite with the Supreme Soul resulting in the real happiness and the best achievement of life which is also the desire of the Supreme Lord. Therefore, this saying of Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra is also in conformity with the astrological principles.   

5. Saying: - "Sorrow is an expression of mind and so also happiness. Sorrow originates from the sense of want. Earthly sorrows cannot be destroyed until the sense of want is washed off from the mind and this can only be done with the help of religion." (Satyanusarana, Page 12)      

Interpretation: - In Astrology, the significator of sense of want and desire for material enjoyments is Rahu i.e. Dragon's Head. According to Hindu Puran, Rahu is a demon which knows no bound of fulfilling lust and enjoyments. As such, mental satisfaction is beyond his reach i.e. it is its natural instinct. In a natal chart, judgement of religion and conscience is made from the ninth house which in the Zodiac is the sign Sagittarius - dual, fiery sign of Sattwik nature and ruled by Jupiter and treated as the active field and Mool Trikona of the lord. Both the ninth house and the planet Jupiter signify religion, conscience, non-attachment, indifferent to material enjoyment etc. Further, Jupiter also signifies wisdom, sense of universal identification, realization of Real Truth of life etc. A person becomes freed from sense of want when the eternal truth is revealed to the person which is only possible by the disposition of powerful and benefic Jupiter in the natal chart. Jupiter is the Master and Guide of the deities and in our earthly life is the significator of Satguru. Again, as the lord of the sign Sagittarius Jupiter also symbolises religion and guru i.e. guide. Therefore, Jupiter brings to a native the sense of eternal truth thereby washing out the sense of want and consequently finding the path of eternal peace for the mankind. Therefore, this saying of Thakur Shree Shree Anukul Chandra is a reflector of astrological principles. 

6. Saying: - "Purer your mind, purer will be your eyes and the world will be revealed to you in its pure form." 
                   (Satyanusarana, Page 14)

Interpretation: - According to astrological principles human mind is divided into three layers. The first layer which signifies the surface of mind is judged from the fourth house of the natal chart, the middle layer is judged from the fifth house and the subconscious mind is judged from the ninth house. In the Zodiac, the corresponding signs are Cancer, Leo and Sagittarius in order and are ruled by Moon, Sun and Jupiter which are very close friends two one another according to the classification of planets on the basis of their functions. In human body, the Sun signifies the right eye, the Moon the left eye and Jupiter being the significator of wisdom and also Guru or Master signifies the wisdom eye. Therefore, if in a natal chart, these three viz. Sun, Moon and Jupiter be strong and unafflicted by malefics, the different layers of mind become pure having no trace of evil senses and simultaneously the physical eyes of the native become strong enough together with sufficient sense of wisdom. These results in an optimistic mind of the native having positive outlook towards the life for ever.  


Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra & ASTROLOGY (Purushottam) PraramBrahma Shree Vishnu Supreme RSV




Astrological interpretations of the sayings of Parama Premayo Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra Part 3

Ref : - Bengali works of the author: Jeevan Kandaree Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra.  

7. Saying: - "Religion is the base on which everything rests and He is the Supreme Lord." (Satyanusarana, Page 15)

Interpretation: - Astrologically, the origin of any Bhava is the ninth Bhava and its consequence is the fifth Bhava counted from this. In the Zodiac, the first sign is Aries - cardinal, fiery sign of Tamas nature, the active field of the ruler Mars wherein starts the life-cycle. It is the sign of exaltation for the Sun i.e. the origin of creation of our solar system and also the sign of debilation for Saturn, the significator for destruction and death. With respect to Aries, the ninth sign is Sagittarius, the dual, fiery sign of Sattwik nature, the active field and the sign of Mool Trikona for the ruler Jupiter. The ninth house signifies religion, conscience, sacrifice, Master etc. Jupiter is described as the Master of the deities in Hindu Puranas and in our earthly life, He is the significator of Sadguru. Further, in hindu religion, the Supreme Lord is described to come descended on the earth in different forms as the saviour of His creation and is worshipped as "Avatara". Therefore, in Astrology, Religion and Guru are identical and since, in this earthly life Guru is the representative of the Supreme Lord. Therefore the inevitable conclusion to be arrived at herefrom is that Religion is the origin of the creation and is symbolized by the material form of religion as Sadguru i.e. the living symbol of the Supreme Soul. Therefore, this saying of Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra is quite in conformity with the astrological principles.           

8. Saying: - "Go on working without any prejudice for fate. Don't remain idle since your fate will be built and will appear to you according to your deeds. Right and good deeds never bring any bad results.This will appear today or tomorrow."     

Interpretation: - According to Astrology, fate is judged from the ninth house and its lord of the natal chart whereas activities are judged from the tenth house and its lord and the results thereof are judged from the eleventh house. Again, the eleventh house counted from any bhava or house signifies the success of that bhava. In the Zodiac, ninth sign is sagittarius - dual, fiery sign of sattwik nature and the active field of Jupiter. The tenth sign is Capricorn - cardinal, earthy sign of tamas nature and the passive field of the lord Saturn. Saturn is the significator of sorrows, bondage on the one hand and activities of servicing nature as symbolised by an indifferent harmit without any attachment towards results on the other. In a word, Saturn is the symbol of "Karma sannyas yoga" as said by the lord Shree Krishna in the Shreemodbhagabadgeeta. The results derived from such activities are signified by the eleventh sign Aquarius which is the indicator of spiritual consciousness and the highest manifestation of intellect. The eleventh sign counted from Aquarius is Sagittarius which means that fortune is earned through the spiritual consciousness signified by the impersonal and unattached activities and since both Saturn and Jupiter are slow moving planets in the Zodiac, the results earned through their contribution are also materialised late in life and not instantly like those contributed by Mars or Mercury. Therefore, it is revealed that instead of the bondage contributed by Saturn the fortune earned through unattached and impersonal activities takes shape late in life and even in subsequent incarnations. Therefore, this saying of Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra is quite in conformity with the astrological principles.       

9. Saying: - "A student or disciple who carries out the instructions of the Master or Guru with devoted pleasures never fails in life."

Interpretation: - In a natal chart, the ninth house signifies Master or Guru, the tenth house signifies activities, the eleventh house signifies success, income etc., the second house signifies accumulated wealth, speech etc. Therefore, the second house counted from the ninth house i.e. the tenth house of the natal chart also signifies sayings or instructions of the Guru. Similarly, eleventh house being the second house of the tenth house signifies accumulated results of the activities. Again, fourth house counted from any bhava signifies happiness derived from that bhava and the fifth house signifies the consequence of that bhava. Therefore, the second house of the natal chart being the fifth house of the tenth house and the fourth house of the eleventh house signifies accumulated wealth that can be used for material enjoyments and happiness in life. In the Zodiac, the corresponding signs are Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Taurus. It therefore appears from the significance of the Zodiac that the instructions of the Guru are the source of activities of a native and the first sign viz. Aries signifying the head of the "Kalpurusha" having the lord Mars being exalted in Capricorn. The inherent significance of this is activities of the native resulting from the instructions of the Guru find best expression which ultimately leads to the success in life resulting in fulfillment of all material desires of life. Again, the eleventh house counted from the second house is the twelfth house in the natal chart which in the Zodiac is the sign Pisces signifying expenses, salvation etc. In Pisces, Venus, the lord of the signs Taurus and Libra is exalted. As the lord of Libra Venus signifies surroundings or environment and itself is the significator of material enjoyments. This means that the accumulated wealth resulting from the activities and deeds finds best utilization through expenses for the sake of environment which ultimately makes the native free from the bondage of all complexes and leads to salvation. Thus, this saying of Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra is quite in conformity with the astrological principles. 


Astrological interpretations of the sayings of Parama Premayo Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra Part 2

Ref : - Bengali works of the author: Jeevan Kandaree Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra.  

4. Saying: - "Contraction leads to sorrows whereas expansion to happiness. Whatever brings complexes like weakness, fear etc. in heart results in lack of happiness and pleasures and i.e. sorrow." (Satyanusarana, Page 11)

Interpretation: - According to astrological principles, Saturn in the planetary kingdom of our Zodiac is the significator of sorrows while Jupiter which enlightens human being with wisdom and the knowledge of immortality brings real happiness. Saturn also causes varieties of sorrows, separation, physical and mental disruption, errors, mistakes, illusions which originate from excessive "Tamaguna". Further, in the physical level, Saturn signifies all sorts of contractions. On the other hand, Jupiter is the originator of expansiveness in physical, mental and spiritual levels which lead mankind cross over the barriers of personal, domestic, society and country and help unite with the Supreme Soul resulting in the real happiness and the best achievement of life which is also the desire of the Supreme Lord. Therefore, this saying of Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra is also in conformity with the astrological principles.   

5. Saying: - "Sorrow is an expression of mind and so also happiness. Sorrow originates from the sense of want. Earthly sorrows cannot be destroyed until the sense of want is washed off from the mind and this can only be done with the help of religion." (Satyanusarana, Page 12)      

Interpretation: - In Astrology, the significator of sense of want and desire for material enjoyments is Rahu i.e. Dragon's Head. According to Hindu Puran, Rahu is a demon which knows no bound of fulfilling lust and enjoyments. As such, mental satisfaction is beyond his reach i.e. it is its natural instinct. In a natal chart, judgement of religion and conscience is made from the ninth house which in the Zodiac is the sign Sagittarius - dual, fiery sign of Sattwik nature and ruled by Jupiter and treated as the active field and Mool Trikona of the lord. Both the ninth house and the planet Jupiter signify religion, conscience, non-attachment, indifferent to material enjoyment etc. Further, Jupiter also signifies wisdom, sense of universal identification, realization of Real Truth of life etc. A person becomes freed from sense of want when the eternal truth is revealed to the person which is only possible by the disposition of powerful and benefic Jupiter in the natal chart. Jupiter is the Master and Guide of the deities and in our earthly life is the significator of Satguru. Again, as the lord of the sign Sagittarius Jupiter also symbolises religion and guru i.e. guide. Therefore, Jupiter brings to a native the sense of eternal truth thereby washing out the sense of want and consequently finding the path of eternal peace for the mankind. Therefore, this saying of Thakur Shree Shree Anukul Chandra is a reflector of astrological principles. 

6. Saying: - "Purer your mind, purer will be your eyes and the world will be revealed to you in its pure form." 
                   (Satyanusarana, Page 14)

Interpretation: - According to astrological principles human mind is divided into three layers. The first layer which signifies the surface of mind is judged from the fourth house of the natal chart, the middle layer is judged from the fifth house and the subconscious mind is judged from the ninth house. In the Zodiac, the corresponding signs are Cancer, Leo and Sagittarius in order and are ruled by Moon, Sun and Jupiter which are very close friends two one another according to the classification of planets on the basis of their functions. In human body, the Sun signifies the right eye, the Moon the left eye and Jupiter being the significator of wisdom and also Guru or Master signifies the wisdom eye. Therefore, if in a natal chart, these three viz. Sun, Moon and Jupiter be strong and unafflicted by malefics, the different layers of mind become pure having no trace of evil senses and simultaneously the physical eyes of the native become strong enough together with sufficient sense of wisdom. These results in an optimistic mind of the native having positive outlook towards the life for ever.  


Astrological interpretations of the sayings of Parama Premayo Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra

Ref : - Bengali works of the author: Jeevan Kandaree Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra.  

1. Saying: - "All the sorrows that mankind have to suffer from on the earth are originated from the attachment to  opposite sex and money; the far away one remains from these two, the better life one enjoys."

Interpretation: - In Astrology, the second house in a natal chart signifies finance and wealth while the seventh house the enjoyment of opposite sex. In the Zodiac, the corresponding signs are Taurus and Libra. The lords of both the signs is Venus who, in Hindu Astrology is designated as the Master of the demons i.e. the preacher of material enjoyments and as such designated to be belonging to the destructive group of planet in guise of external pleasures. The two houses are termed as "Maraka" of which the second house is the primary maraka and the seventh house the secondary maraka. Sorrows in life are judged mostly from the eighth house and in addition the sixth and the twelfth houses, too. The seventh house from the second house which signifies detriment of the second house is the eighth house which is also the second house from the seventh house. These signify that loss of wealth and accumulated enjoyments of sexual happiness bring in sorrows. Furthermore, the apparent happiness derived from sexual pleasures awarded by Venus lead to loss of body energy which brings in sorrows and ultimately death. Therefore, it is clear the roots of all sorrows in human life are derived from the attachment towards wealth and sex pleasures which has been expressed in this saying of Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra in conformity with the astrological principles.

2. Saying: - "Women not viewed with lust become mothers poison is converted into nectar and a mother is the Mother and nothing else."

Interpretation: - In a natal chart, sexual urge is judged from the seventh house which in the zodiac is the sign Libra - the active field of Venus - cardinal airy sign of Tamasik nature which means that the sexual urge based on Tama Guna leads living beings to different destinies. The highest expression of any house in a natal chart is manifested in the tenth house counted from the starting house. With respect to the sign Libra, it is the sign Cancer which is the cardinal watery sign of Tamasik nature ruled by Moon. Venus signifies women to be treated for fulfillment of physical lust whereas Moon signifies motherhood, affection, sympathy, domestic happiness etc. Therefore, it is evident that femalehood finds her best manifestation through motherhood which is expressed in the form of pure love, affection etc. as seen through the kind appearance of the deity Laxmi Devi. Therefore, this saying of Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra is in quite in conformity with the astrological principles.            

3. Saying: - "Discussion on Cosmogony, Mathematics, Chemistry etc. control the sex urge."

Interpretation: - In Astrology, planets signifying sex urge and lust are Mars and Venus. Mars is male and fiery planet while Venus is female and earthy one. The main constituent of creation is energy or fire which is signified by the male planet Mars whereas the receiving factor of the male energy by the egg cell of female is signified by Venus. This indicates that in the matter of creation of living beings, Mars and Venus have simultaneous functions. In Astrology, Mars also signifies efficiency in Mathematics whereas Venus signifies the power of revival of the dead or conversion of one substance into another which is the domain of Chemistry. Further, Mars also signifies Technical signs. In human life, the Zodiac and the related planets and constellations contribute their activities in the physical, mental, spiritual level as well as at different arenas of surroundings. To neutralize the excessiveness of one level, the same at other levels is required. Therefore, the sex urge inherent in the functions of Mars and Venus can be neutralized in a constructive fashion by the discussions on the subjects like Doctrine of Creation, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology etc. Therefore, this saying of Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra also supports the principles of Astrology.                 

Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra (Purushottam) PraramBrahma Shree Vishnu Supreme RS




Istovrity -- What Should be the Amount

Istovrity  ---  as a part of our sadhana

Istovrity is part and parcel of our Sadhana. Istovrity is the combination of two word  Isto means your IDEAL or ULTIMATE SOURCE OF ENLIGHTENMENT. Vrity means to  maintain to nurture. it is our duty to contribute to the bharanposhan of our ISTO. this should be done by making daily offering to our Lord. It should be done early in the morning after we get ready for the prayer preferably before sunrise. The ritual should be performed with full devotion and urge of offering to the love Lord should always remain in mind. This can also be considered as connection between the source of enlightenment and the devotee. Even one does not have any source of earning he should perform this holy ritual by begging.  Thakur said  "Vikka korey istovrity korley Arjo chheley, Ajut teertho porjotoner phol taar pholey."

Now we should know what should be the quantum of Istovirity as per thakur. a discussion took place in a group in facebook and below is the excerpt of that

Quantum of Istovrity  
(taken from facebook postings)

13th MAY, 2012- SUNDAY
 If one is not able to deposit ‘ISHTRABHRITY’ right on 30th day, then what may be the consequence?

 “If one is not so sick, then it should be deposited on the specific day.

 Through sincerity and regularity on this, it would spread positively in each & every activity of our life. And through which our efficiency is developed.

As this is a unique religious/spiritual practice, so there should not be any gap on this. Subsequently, the same gap attacks in all other activity of our life.

‘ISHTRABHRITY’ is called Psychophysical Concentration. Its effect remains in whole of our existence. By performing this much, a man gets protection, escape from danger and distress. Because through performing this, huge energy is stored within by which one is protected at the time of DANGER”.
From Partha-da

Joyguru Mrinal Daa,
As per Sri Sri Thakur's message in 'Anushruti', the amount of 'Ishtabhrity' should be equivalent to the amount of one's daily meal.
Even He further stresses that same amount ( equivalent to one's daily meal )may be considered as the least to offer as Ishtabhrity.

However, the reality of major chunk of dicsiples regarding the amount to offer as daily Ishtabhrity may not follow the message.
But I beleive this is bit debatable in accordance with the perspective.

In conclusion, anyone should offer daily Ishtabhrity as per his/her income and one should have natural tendency to increase the amount to offer as along with the time daily expenses of anyone increases.
Subsequently, with such attitude, a man can become efficient to earn more, which is nothing but the foundation of 'being' and 'becoming'.

Any existence should have positive goal/ dream in life and to fulfill that goal/dream, one earns and to earn, one must have to be efficient and developed in all aspects.
So if one has such tendency to increase the amount of Ishtabhrity,i.e. the genuine welfare, then he/she would find the way to be efficient and earn more.
You may please highlight your views regarding the same.
I have made a basic calculation for daily offering of Istovrity for one family.
Take a case family income  is Rs 20,000/-  per month
Normally people spend  30% of monthly income for food (may be more)
30% of  20,000/-  is  Rs 6000/-
Suppose he has a family of 5
Amount spent per head on food is   6000/5 =  1200
Daily expenditure on food per head   1200/30  =  40/-
So daily istovrity amount for the family is Rs 40/-
That means  1200/- should go to thakurbari from that family per month.
I shall give my personal observation in my next posting.
I have studied various literature on the science of giving.  Thakur also encourage giving in his various sayings.    “petey chas to ditey thakis, jokhon jemon jebhavey paris.”   And quite many others. Offering to the source of enlightenment is the age old tradition and is encouraged in all the religious practices. Christians call it church rate, muslims call Zakaat, Sikhs call dashband and many hindu religious gurus made this offerings compulsory without  assigning any specific amount.  I shall refer you a book named “Science of giving  --  IASS meerut” 

Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra & ASTROLOGY (Purushottam) PraramBrahma Shree Vishnu Supreme RS




Ocean in a Teacup - Third Edition

Ocean in a Teacup – R. A. Houserman
(Biography of Shri Shri Thakur Anukulchandra)
Ray was an ardent disciple of Sri Sri Thakur , a fulltime worker of Satsang and was with close association of Thakur during 1945-1969.
Following is excerpt from his book third edition

“It proposed using the bed of the Darwa River to
connect North and South across the plateau to the Ajoy River, it was called the
Ganga-Darwa Project. It was not too long before a group of devotees lead by R. C.
Sinha, professor of Geology of Patna University, were actively attempting to secure
public and Government cooperation. There was another group of Thakur’s disciples
just as committed to seeking funds and hands for the gigantic educational synthesis
which Thakur called the Sandilya University Project. A third group led by Thakur’s
youngest son, a medical college whose syllabus would attempt to synthesize all
known system of medicine with a few original ideas of Thakur and a five hundred be
hospital organized as a home with facilities for a relative to remain with each patient.
Flood control, education reform, medical innovation and added to it all was another
project – perhaps the most intriguing, if only because of its complete irrationality. The
objective of this program was to secure 100 cars – and this when there already were
more cars than the overworked staff could handle.
The appeal to help these varied projects at the same times in different meeting all over
India, gave an interesting glimpse in the breadth and depth of Thakur’s unique
synthesis. The university appeal for a new lead in the training of men’s minds would
be followed by an equally eloquent appeal for the hospital and the elemental need of
caring for men’s bodies, and this followed by ardent appeals for cooperation in
Ganga-Darwa Prject as basic to the others.
Finally, would come the appeal for money for Thakur’s unneeded cars. Apart from
earning for Thakur the epithet – perhaps unique amongst the many yogis and Gurus –
of the Automobile Avatar, it was interesting to see that the very irrationality of this
cause often over-whelmed the others.”
More about thakur’s unfinished works read in the third edition of the book  “Ocean in a teacup  -- R. A. Houserman” 3rd edition
Download link

Selected Sayings of Shri Shri Thakur



Kestoda, “What is the means of realizing the Supreme?

Sri Sri Thakur, “In the bosom of the Beyond creation has evolved out of many stratifications and variations. Every individual is a specimen of His becoming. If I cannot feel the gradations of my becoming from the grossest to the finest layer with all their mechanism then that will not do. The fact is that if there is anything that is not related to my system in any way, I shall not be able to feel it even if it exists. If there is anything that lies beyond the basis of my present form of existence, then that will not come within the ken of my comprehension. Where this pattern and the rulings of that do not operate, our perceptivity (receptivity) is also dumb there. So we cannot reach the finest stage of realization without accepting a man who is endowed with normal memory and consciousness of the Supreme. If we go on with his recollection, thinking, meditation, pleasing work, fulfillment and nurture attended with repetition of Name, then his internal perceptions sprout in us according to our constitution.”

Sarat (Halder), “Can there be anything that lies beyond the perception of the Supreme Being?”

“That Prime He alone knows,” Sri Sri Thakur answered smilingly.

After a pause in a whispering tone Sri Sri Thakur spoke as if in soliloquy, “If some sincere, sane, insane people with a scientific craze and acumen could be secured, then quite a lot of objective truths might be determined. If they were behind me and the Supreme Father were gracious to grant me the appropriate things, I would have called and given them (the appropriate things). If there was anything rugged and unsystematic in what I said nakedly, then they could have put that in order.”(Emphasis by G. L.)

In the morning Sri Sri Thakur took His seat under the mango tree. Hausermanda, his mother and an English lady named Miss Marjory Sykes came and took their seats before Sri Sri Thakur. Many of the ashramites became eager and came over to listen to the discussions. Gradually talks started. Prafulla acted as the interpreter.

Miss Sykes asked, “What is the relationship between Dharma and social customs?”
Sri Sri Thakur smilingly replied, “Religion does not include the whole of Dharma, though it is an inseparable ceremonial part of it. The derivative meaning of the term ‘religion’ implies the act of ‘binding oneself with God’ by accepting the Ideal. In a word, it conveys the idea of being reborn through initiation. (‘re’ means ‘again’ and ‘ligare’ means ‘to bind’.) Dharma means to do that which maintains our being and becoming intact along with those of the environment. It will not do to proceed towards being and becoming according to our own whims. That will create troubles at every step. So being and becoming have to be made meaningful and free from impediments by adopting the divine way of life i.e. through an Ideal-centric move. Social custom has to be evolved in a manner so that it nurtures Dharma i.e. being and becoming. That which hampers Dharma is something wrong. That is to be overcome and molded properly.”
Miss Sykes, “Then may we conclude that the social customs that are favorable to being and becoming are flawless?”
Sri Sri Thakur, “Yes. Custom should naturally be existential. ‘Politics’ also means fulfilment and nurture. The goal of everything is being and becoming. Everything will have to be adjusted with an eye to that objective.”
Miss Sykes, “Do you believe that Dharma can turn out to be the guiding force of the entire human society through the sincere effort of a handful of people?”
Sri Sri Thakur, “If Dharma does not become the guiding force of humanity, then deviation and deficiency are inevitable. So religious people will have to take up the responsibility of making the human society religiously inspired. If we cannot make the environment good, we cannot ourselves remain well. If we are earnest, everything is possible. Whatever may be the nature and passion of a human being, his real interest lies in following the path of Dharma. If we can make people understand it, there is nothing to worry about.”


Capel, “There are people who consider preparation for killing others as part of preparation for self-defense because if others realize that their attempt to kill us is sure to bring about their death, then at least that fear will dissuade them from taking aggressive measures and our security will be ensured. But the race of making preparations for self-defense will automatically bring in violence and war.”

Sri Sri Thakur, “The unconscious force that should guide us is to maintain our own existence without causing any injury to other people as far as practicable. We have no right to allow our existence to be victimized by others violence, because existence is the endowment of God.”

Capel, “It is said that God cannot be attained without extinction of desires. But is desireless life possible? How can it be possible that no desire will spring up in one’s mind?”

Sri Sri Thakur, “Whatever will may appear, whatever desire may linger, if their goal is God, if their sole purpose is to fulfill Him, then they cause no harm. But we should not give indulgence to those desires that are opposed to Him. To indulge in them is to burden ourselves by carrying unnecessary loads. Of what use is it to indulge in that which separates me from my Beloved and hurls me down into the vortex of afflictions?”

Capel, “I have given you a lot of trouble. I have profited a lot by talking with you. Let us close here today.”

Sri Sri Thakur, “No trouble at all. I like it immensely. But I am an ignorant man. I do not know English. Moreover I do not possess sufficient knowledge to present my ideas in a systematic manner.”

Capel, “I have read your ‘Message’. No one can speak like that without knowing English.”

Sri Sri Thakur, “I do not know anything. Kestoda has somehow brought out those things from me.”

Capel, “I shall talk with you again according to your convenience.”

Sri Sri Thakur (smilingly), “Oh yes! Whenever you like. If anyone benefits by talking with me, I consider myself the gainer thereby. I am as much within me, as I am within you. If you do not become fulfilled, I remain unfulfilled to the same extent .”
Imparting the Ideal (Jaajan)

The Good Effects of Jaajan

The good effects of Jaajan are infinite. Our human assets grow through it. That facilitates the go of our worldly life in all possible ways. It improves and tones up the health of our body and mind, nay it even serves to increase our longevity. Again a man who is properly engaged in Jaajan normally develops the knack of adjusting himself along with his environment. Through this his personality and will-power become vigorous. Through Jaajan the secret of dealing with people, inquisitive serving attitude and resourcefulness of intelligence etc. evolve automatically. If a man can attain mastery over these traits, then he acquires the capacity of meeting the most difficult challenges of life in a befitting way and thus emerges triumphant by overcoming all resistances. In a word, he becomes invincible in life. He does not become a slave to circumstance, rather he rules over them. He becomes free in the sense of the term by dint of his Ideal-centric allegiance, service and efficiency. He roams about in the world with the characteristic stamp of self-confidence that is born of a divine masterliness.

Jaajan and Realization

A Jaajak rediscovers himself, the world and human nature everyday in newer and newer modes. In course of Jaajan a man unexpectedly comes across newer and newer perceptions, knowledge, realization, and enjoyment and his consciousness expands extensively giving rise to an unending ecstatic joy and inspiration. All these things combined together serve to make his body, mind and vital being blissful. A man who is immersed in selfishness and is averse to the bigger world has not learnt the art of living. If the urge of Jaajan seizes us, we automatically come to be eager about and interested in the wider world and we become intensely conscious about our social environment with a concentric compassion and it is thus that we are liberated from the narrowness of self-engrossment. This is not all. We also become free from the obsession of complexes to a considerable degree. Perhaps we passionate people cannot properly assess the value of the freedom that flows from the conquest of complexes. It can hardly be described as to how much it helps us in attaining all-round success and fulfillment in life. Every man constitutes a distinct world by himself. By winning different individuals for Lord we discover and acquire intimate acquaintance with so many different universes. Through this everyday our consciousness reaches newer depths and dimensions in the realm of realizations. Every single day provides newer experiences. In this context it needs to be mentioned that if we are in the habit of making Jaajan to superior quality of people, the wealth of our experience grows all the more.

Jaajan and Divine Communion

Again, Jaajan puts us in active tune and communion with the Ideal. To sustain unbroken tuning with the Ideal is of paramount importance in our life. But how can we achieve this? We are social beings. We are infinitely entangled with our environment in a complex network of receiving and giving, obligations, and responsibilities etc. we have to pass most of our time with other people in connection with discharging various duties. We can make this unavoidable necessity of maintaining social contact helpful towards the attainment of the highest fulfillment of our life if we are constantly given to Jaajan. Then all the contacts and relations of a man become conducive to his joy and progress. At that stage all his works become perfect, disciplined, and fine and quick through the influence of his joyous balanced mental state and mutual cooperation. Again, it cannot be fully described as to how much mutual discourses on the Lord serve to make our family-life and social meets enjoyable, uplifting and sublime. An active maddening, Ideal-centric urge creates a delightful divinely-charged atmosphere all-round us. The varied temptations and oppressions of Satan do not succeed in destroying it. Then the current of our spiritual life flows uninterruptedly like an incessant unbroken stream of oil. By this we transcend selfish worldliness notwithstanding our being engaged in executing all worldly duties. In fact we constantly enjoy the sweet divine beauty of life in various ways in and through all the twists and turns of our day to day affairs. We feel a transcendent ecstasy even while facing the stern realities of this dirty world. And this does not remain confined to our subjective perception alone, but we go on transforming our environment and the existing world with all its complex affairs in a divine rhythm through the effectual medium of Jaajan. Thus Jaajan makes our inner and outer world supremely blissful.

Jaajan and the Unfoldment of Character

This endeavour to effect a divine transformation involves infinite toleration, patience and perseverance. Man has to be exalted towards life and growth through toleration, love, service, effort, affection, uphold, protection and nurture. All the poison of the world has got to be eliminated by absorbing and assimilating it like Nilkantha (a god who is said to have devoured poison for saving the world and had his throat turned blue). This divine urge endows a man with infinite wealth of character. When we are to secure the welfare of people, we cannot achieve it by yielding to fraud and falsehood. A man has to be out and out sincere. He has to be engaged in contributing to the welfare of the individual and the collective body undergoing all sufferings with a responsible concentric urge of upholding and protecting all. And the meaningfulness of human life lies in a normal manifestation of a divine go of life flowing from a radiant realization of truth. This is why Lord Srikrishna has declared in the Gita—“Those who impart me also attain me.” Sri Sri Thakur has also said “Jaajan brings in a sense of communion, with all integration; again it invites intelligence and efficiency culminating in a crowning achievement of unlimited wisdom.”
Let this Jaajan which is calculated to ensure all-round success, possess us like anything. Let Ideal-centric Jaajan serve as an invulnerable and inexhaustible weapon in the remaking of ourselves along with the country, the world and the whole human race. ▀
Fulfillment of the Fourfold Objectives of Life :-----Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra.

The domestic life is meant for the realization of fourfold objective i.e., acquisition of Dharma, all possible resources and liberation along with provision for fulfillment of existential desires. If Dharma is not made the basis, and liberation, i.e., emancipation from the bondage of passions and unworthy attachments and living, moving and having our being in God does not become the end of our life and if we employ our energy in the acquisition of wealth and fulfillment of passionate desires alone, then animal propensities predominate in our life and the family and the society invariably run downwards.

Then we aim at fulfilling our passionate craves by hook or by crook and do not hesitate to abandon all moral codes and principles and forsake the Ideal of achieving self-realization and social welfare. Where such a go of life becomes primary, people feel encouraged to gain their selfish ends by leading others to suffering, loss and destruction. This unscrupulous beastly move makes the world unfit for human habitation. This is exactly what we are witnessing today. So in the scheme of domestic life if Dharma and liberation are not properly rehabilitated, in other words, if a complete philosophy of life is not aptly translated into action in our day to day life, it will surely hasten the self-ruination of all. None will be able to survive in such a social setting. If existence is annihilated, how can we materialize the plan of acquiring and enjoying the objects of passionate desires ?


Beware of false Prophets,
they are neither
the nurturer of distinctiveness
nor its fulfiller,
but their delusive language,
action and attitude
betray the cause of
individual upliftment
along with the
specific specification of
individual characteristics.

[The Message,Vol-II]

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"All the Prophets of the world have the same characteristic feature. There's no difference in between their speech and action. When you see the otherwise (when there's a considerable difference between speech and action), know for sure that he is a FALSE PROPHET.

[Diprakshi, Vol.6]

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Question: Why do the Degeneration comes?

THAKUR: Without accepting the Prophet of the Age, if someone else is considered to be a Prophet, then Degeneration comes.

Q: But how does it come?

THAKUR: If FALSE PROPHET is accepted as a Prophet, degeneration starts from there only.
In the Bible, it's there -
The ways shown by the False Prophets do not match with your traditional trail. They have some satanic complexes. For example, they preach of marrying one's own sister. The Prophets always take such steps which is propitious to the existence. But the False Prophets always take the steps which would satisfy their own self.

[Diprakshi, Vol.6]

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The name "antichrist" is only found in 1 John 2:18,2:22, 4:3, and 2 John 7. The Apostle John was the only Bible writer to use the name antichrist. Studying these verses, we learn that many antichrists (FALSE PROPHETS) will appear between the time of Christ's first and Second Coming , but THERE WILL BE ONE GREAT ANTICHRIST who will rise to power during the end times, or"last hour," as John phrases it. He will deny that Jesus is the Christ. He will deny both God the Father and God the Son. He will be a liar and a deceiver.
1 John 4:1-3 says,

"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in theworld."

By the end times, many will easily be deceived and embrace the antichrist because his spirit will already dwell within the world.


In Thessalonians 2:3-4,the antichrist is described as the "man of sin," or " son of perdition ." Here Paul, like John, is also warning believers about the antichrist's ability to deceive:

"Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God."


Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra & ASTROLOGY (Purushottam) PraramBrahma Shree Vishnu




Ref : - Bengali works of the author: Jeevan Kandaree Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra.  

1. Saying: - "All the sorrows that mankind have to suffer from on the earth are originated from the attachment to  opposite sex and money; the far away one remains from these two, the better life one enjoys."

Interpretation: - In Astrology, the second house in a natal chart signifies finance and wealth while the seventh house the enjoyment of opposite sex. In the Zodiac, the corresponding signs are Taurus and Libra. The lords of both the signs is Venus who, in Hindu Astrology is designated as the Master of the demons i.e. the preacher of material enjoyments and as such designated to be belonging to the destructive group of planet in guise of external pleasures. The two houses are termed as "Maraka" of which the second house is the primary maraka and the seventh house the secondary maraka. Sorrows in life are judged mostly from the eighth house and in addition the sixth and the twelfth houses, too. The seventh house from the second house which signifies detriment of the second house is the eighth house which is also the second house from the seventh house. These signify that loss of wealth and accumulated enjoyments of sexual happiness bring in sorrows. Furthermore, the apparent happiness derived from sexual pleasures awarded by Venus lead to loss of body energy which brings in sorrows and ultimately death. Therefore, it is clear the roots of all sorrows in human life are derived from the attachment towards wealth and sex pleasures which has been expressed in this saying of Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra in conformity with the astrological principles.

2. Saying: - "Women not viewed with lust become mothers poison is converted into nectar and a mother is the Mother and nothing else."

Interpretation: - In a natal chart, sexual urge is judged from the seventh house which in the zodiac is the sign Libra - the active field of Venus - cardinal airy sign of Tamasik nature which means that the sexual urge based on Tama Guna leads living beings to different destinies. The highest expression of any house in a natal chart is manifested in the tenth house counted from the starting house. With respect to the sign Libra, it is the sign Cancer which is the cardinal watery sign of Tamasik nature ruled by Moon. Venus signifies women to be treated for fulfillment of physical lust whereas Moon signifies motherhood, affection, sympathy, domestic happiness etc. Therefore, it is evident that femalehood finds her best manifestation through motherhood which is expressed in the form of pure love, affection etc. as seen through the kind appearance of the deity Laxmi Devi. Therefore, this saying of Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra is in quite in conformity with the astrological principles.            

3. Saying: - "Discussion on Cosmogony, Mathematics, Chemistry etc. control the sex urge."

Interpretation: - In Astrology, planets signifying sex urge and lust are Mars and Venus. Mars is male and fiery planet while Venus is female and earthy one. The main constituent of creation is energy or fire which is signified by the male planet Mars whereas the receiving factor of the male energy by the egg cell of female is signified by Venus. This indicates that in the matter of creation of living beings, Mars and Venus have simultaneous functions. In Astrology, Mars also signifies efficiency in Mathematics whereas Venus signifies the power of revival of the dead or conversion of one substance into another which is the domain of Chemistry. Further, Mars also signifies Technical signs. In human life, the Zodiac and the related planets and constellations contribute their activities in the physical, mental, spiritual level as well as at different arenas of surroundings. To neutralize the excessiveness of one level, the same at other levels is required. Therefore, the sex urge inherent in the functions of Mars and Venus can be neutralized in a constructive fashion by the discussions on the subjects like Doctrine of Creation, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology etc. Therefore, this saying of Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra also supports the principles of Astrology.  

"The Planets represent our complexes. How a particular person behaves under the action of a particular complex, can be predicted beforehand.
But if the person is completely Ideal-centric,then he/she is not directed by the complexes;rather, he/she directs the complexes and uses them in the fulfillment of the interest of the Ideal. In this way, the adverse effects of the planets are destroyed. Hence it is said:

'kim kurvanti graha sarve, yasya kendre brhaspati'

Brihaspati means the Sadguru. HE should be the prime centre of our life. We have to worship HIM and make HIM the controller of our fortune. Otherwise just taking initiation will not help. But, those people, who, after taking initiation perform JAJON, JAAJON, ISTAVRITY regularly they are saved to a great extent. Those who always give prime importance to the Ideal, they don't have to worry at all. Even if some opposing circumstance comes, they can mould it in such a way that the establishment of Ideal takes place and the good can be attained."

Ref. [Alochana Prasange, vol.2]

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Question: Can we deny the BHAGYA?

THAKUR: Bhagya(fortune) can't be denied but it can be changed. Whatever is there in my fortune, it's my creation. Fortune is the result of our doings. Suppose, you are ill. That means you must have done some wrong doings because of which you have become sick. Due to the previous wrongdoings you are sick in the present time but if you try and do the necessary deeds now, you can be healthy again and that health shall be your fortune in the future. HENCE, IS THERE ANY SCOPE OF DOUBT THAT FORTUNE CAN BE CHANGED? "
Ref. [Alochana Prasange, vol.5]

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"Your doings is the sole factor in the creation of your fortune. Observe the horroscope, listen to it and understand. BUT NEVER BE DEPENDENT ON THAT! "

Ref. [Diprakshi, vol.3,page 130]

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"Due to urge, a tension is produced in our brain cells and due to that tension, lines are produced in our palms. Same is the case of forehead. We ourselves are the creator of our own future. We are unaware that we are creating it but it can be observed by observing the palm of the hand."

Ref. [Alochana Prasange, vol. 1]

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Ref. [Priyamparamer Alokey]


True Meaning of Surrender

Kritiranjan Nath Anurag - SUPREME LOVE

12th August,1964.
Nirala Nibesh, Thakur bunglow.

Robert(Bob) : What happens when one has surrendered himself to the Ishta (ideal)?

Thakur: Then, the concern towards the Ishta becomes prominent in his life. His eyes, nose, face everything reaveals the sayings and features of the Ishta. Sadhana comes to him automatically. He experiences seeing and feeling. He wants everything of Ishta to be perfectly beautiful and acts accordingly.
The word 'SURRENDER' has two parts: 'SUR' means above and 'RENDER' means 'to give'. I have submitted myself on the feet of Ishta that means I have become completely HIS own. To surrender to Christ means to accept Christ. Why have I accepted HIM? Only to love and serve HIM. Hence Christ lies above everything. Surrender is the topmost position of love. Your each and every facial expression shall witness your love towards HIM, and you shall act automatically. Untottering love towards the Ishta shall make you like that.
Robert Bob Cumming became spell-bound by listening to Thakur. After spending a few days at the Ashram, he took initiation from Respected Sushil da on 27th August, 1964. As Dikshapranami Professor Cumming reverendly submitted a large Moonstone in Thakur's hands. Thakur took it in hands and asked to hand it over to S.S Boroma. Boroma took it in her hands and said, "What is this thing? It's so beautiful! "
After doing pranam to Thakur and Baroma, Bob Cumming said, "Thakur, you guide me." To this Thakur smilingly replied, "YOU LOVE ME AND THAT LOVE WILL DICTATE YOU HOW TO BE GUIDED."

¤NOTE: Professor Robert Bob Cumming was an American devotee of Thakur and a professor. He helped the author (Sri Manilal Chakraborty) in editorial work of 'The Message'.